“Greckel” Matthias Klotz Double Bass Copy

“Greckel” Matthias Klotz Double Bass Copy

We keep getting requests for our Klotz Double Bass copy! This tidy design is the most popular of our Custom Commission instruments, which began with a 2012 project to build a copy of a 1700s Matthias Klotz contrabass from a complete set of tracings.  With its wide and rounded features, almost symmetric upper and lower bouts, this compact bass has found a broad array of fans from chamber music to bluegrass. The 40.5" string length gives a very quick response with depth and projection from the deep ribs and flat back. A pearl of a bass that always invites you to play, it will…

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The Upton Report Vol. 187 – What’s a “legacy” model?

The Upton Report Vol. 187 – What’s a “legacy” model?

I should be playing some sort of April fools joke on you today.  Faking some shots of a strange new bass design, some peculiar artist link or head scratching video...but alas...I've got no tricks up my sleeve today!  Just some great playing by one of the nicest guys you could meet, Peter Maness!  Some of you might remember Peter from some ad hoc videos we did on the showroom of our old workshop.  Peter has a beautiful "legacy" model Upton Bass. Whats a "legacy" model?  I call older Upton Basses that don't adhere to anything in our current Hero lineup…

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The Upton Report Vol. 186 – 3 Axis of Bass

The Upton Report Vol. 186 – 3 Axis of Bass

When customers pick up their bases here in the workshop, I give a quick "crash course" on bass ownership.  We've shot some videos on how to use your bridge positioning stick, humidity control measures to take, etc.  Gary also did a long video on how to really get your bridge in the right spot too (link at the end of the new video so you can find it fast!).  I've had a lot of comments from customers that my quick "3 Axis of Bass Bridge" rant should be a video too...so Dave and I grabbed the camera. While it's not…

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The Upton Report Vol. 185 – Pittsburgh Double Bass Symposium

The Upton Report Vol. 185 – Pittsburgh Double Bass Symposium

Gary & I are at Carnegie Mellon today for the Pittsburgh Double Bass Symposium today (assuming you're reading this on Friday March 19th!). We have a special place in our hearts with this show as it was where we first introduced publicly our Brescian model!  We'll be hauling that Brescian to the show (it's Gary's personal bass!) as well as bringing the two Cavani models (see links below) that we've made. If you're in the Pittsburgh area today stop in and say hi! Click below to read the full Report

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Upton Bass String Instrumental Co.

159 Packer Road Mystic, CT 06355

Hours: Tues. - Sat. 10AM - 6PM

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