This new Upton double bass is a direct tracing from the Tiny Martin Prescott, a fully-sized Abraham Prescott bass, perhaps one of the last built in the 1840s. That Prescott enjoyed a decades-long career filling Boston Symphony Hall under the bow of Leslie "Tiny" Martin. It exemplifies how a simple ingenious New England double bass is still the perfect design for a huge, remarkably clear low register. Another similar Prescott is still used by Lawrence Wolfe in the same chair. This is our first foray into copying a Prescott design that was not Busetto shape (Concord) or even violin-cornered! (Church…
View Full PostAnother Santagiuliana double bass build! This pattern is becoming a favorite with its early-era Italian long and broad upper bout. Gary selected some of our most breathtaking figured maple for O239, which seems to go on forever throughout the canted back and wide ribs. Just strung with Gary's Blended set of clear low and flexible top strings, the big sound was clear and lively at first touch, already getting sweeter as it settles in under tension in the loft. This remarkable bookmatched back of maple stretches the full width and length the broad back and ribs. This much quilted maple…
View Full PostGary shows off this piece of American bassmaking history in this new video! This form is a piece of Kay Bass history - it was used to build most of the deluxe Kays, blonde S-7s and S-9s. Perhaps your Kay was built on it? If the thought of a new Upton Kay double bass interests you, Let us know! We're in the planning stages of a limited run of laminated instruments off this very form and would love feedback from bass players. Submit An Inquiry and select Upton Kay Project for the Instrument or email with Upton Kay…
View Full PostGary's auditions three classic JTL-lineage French double basses from the late 19th Century! These three beautiful late-19th Century French guild double basses are currently available for side-by-side comparison at Upton Bass! Large format J. Thibouville-Lamys (and JTL-related Jacquot) with rounded upper bouts, all are in excellent playing condition and thrive in orchestral or jazz settings. Left to Right: JTL c1890, JTL c1900, Charles Jacquot Paris (Mid-19th Century) Left and Middle JTLs produced around 1880s-1900s, Jacquot bass on right perhaps a generation older. Take a day at the bass loft to audition all three or call Gary for more details!…
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