The Inspiration Driving Upton Bass

The Inspiration Driving Upton Bass

This year we're taking a little time to reflect on where we've come since Upton Bass started as a specialist shop in 1999. Here's a first in a series of videos where we take a look at where we've been and where we are headed!

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Holiday Bass Notes

Holiday Bass Notes

So many basses! Basses being played, basses being tuned, basses restrung, hot-rodded, in for a polish, leaving the building, basses in giant crates being expertly whisked off to worldwide destinations...  Sometimes our Vintage section can't keep up - if you are looking for something in particular, better to just call! Come to think of it, at the moment, there are: 5 golden Kays... 4 British Martins, 3 French guilds, 2 Mittenwalds, and Czech-Ease in a flight case! Bows, Pickups, Preamps, Bass Bags, Wearables, and Gift Certificates for the loved ones too!   

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Holiday Kay Bass Sale!

Holiday Kay Bass Sale!

We've dropped the price on two of the rarest vintage Kays you can find - by 500 bucks!  If you've been very good this year, tell Santa and leave out the milk and cookies. Or just snag one for yourself before he gets to them! 

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Are You Social?

Are You Social?

Or maybe not? Either way, you can follow our social media! Some people still aren't on Facebook. Or they were, and they bailed. Maybe you want to keep the virtual maelstrom at arms length to help your bass playing. Reminded of an interview with Keith Moon - "Why do you need so many Rolls Royces and fancy cars, Keith?" Keith: "It helps me drumming." If you don't frequent Facebook or Instagram or even Youtube, everything Upton Bass posts is all available right on our website. Just select a feed from our blue "Blog" dropdown menu at the top right. Everything we post…

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Upton Bass String Instrumental Co.

159 Packer Road Mystic, CT 06355

Hours: Tues. - Sat. 10AM - 6PM

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