FSC Certified Wood

FSC Certified Wood

The Forest Stewardship Council mission is to promote environmentally sound, socially beneficial and economically prosperous management of the world's forests. FSC's forest management standards expand protection of water quality, prohibit harvest of rare old-growth forest, prevent loss of natural forest cover and prohibit highly hazardous chemicals, which are all unique aspects of the system.  

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Clean Energy Options

Clean Energy Options

Clean Energy Options 100 PERCENT of our energy consumption is provided for by the CT Clean Energy Options program. Since 1998, Connecticut’s energy-efficiency programs have helped small and large businesses, homeowners and renters, and state and local governments manage their energy use and costs. These programs and services are administered and delivered by Connecticut’s electric and gas utilities, which provide the energy expertise to help their customers save energy and money.

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Upton Bass String Instrumental Co.

159 Packer Road Mystic, CT 06355

Hours: Tues. - Sat. 10AM - 6PM

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