The Upton Report Vol. 204 – What does value mean to you?

The Upton Report Vol. 204 – What does value mean to you?

Do you know why Gary started Upton Bass?  It kinda happened by accident...and it was based on a principle. Value. Gary couldn't find good value as a bass player. He didn't know when he set out what he was trying to accomplish as a business man...he just knew what he wanted as a player. The internet was "new" and selling on the internet was almost taboo.  Can you believe that!  Remember those days!  There was little information available and finding a good deal, or the best products, was a challenge. Gary took his bass to several luthiers in the region…

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The Upton Report Vol. 203 – What are you afraid of?

The Upton Report Vol. 203 – What are you afraid of?

I was reading a forum thread the other day where someone was afraid it was "stupid"  to put an extension on his laminated bass. It was kismet reading that post as we have just completed a killer extension on a laminated Upton Bass for a dear friend of ours!  The bass was picked up today, and we talked about the post...and we came to the conclusion that the OP meant was "is it a waste of money?".  Everyone's situation is different...and it may seem off to put an extension on a bass when the extension costs almost as much as…

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The Upton Report Vol.202 – The grass is always bluer…

The Upton Report Vol.202 – The grass is always bluer…

The leaves are all down now and the wreaths and garlands are up here at the Upton Bass Barn!  The Fire's nice and toasty inside (and the humidifiers are full!) and Gary's elves are busy making basses trying to get them under the tree's on schedule .  It's a great time of year to be in New England... If you own and Upton Bass, we've created a special INVITE ONLY page on Facebook JUST FOR YOU!  Hit Gary or myself up on Facebook and we'll send you an invite! While you're on Facebook, weigh in with your thoughts on a…

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The Upton Report Vol.201 – #igivemymoneytoluthiersbecauseidonthumidify

The Upton Report Vol.201 – #igivemymoneytoluthiersbecauseidonthumidify

It's that time of year...time to watch the relative humidity (RH) of the room you keep your bass in and decide if it's time to turn the humidifier on.  This video is 6 years old now (ancient for YouTube!) but never more relevant than right now! I'll be filling our tanks as soon as I hit send... When will you fill yours? #lovetogivemymoneytoluthiersbecauseidonthumidify ;)

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Upton Bass String Instrumental Co.

159 Packer Road Mystic, CT 06355

Hours: Tues. - Sat. 10AM - 6PM

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