Time to dust off an oldie but goodie and breath some new life into this!
Years ago, before social media took hold, we started up a weekly eMail called “The Upton Report”. The original intent wasn’t to just blast you with advertising for our stuff…it was actually meant to be entertaining! We collected double bass related news, videos, events, etc that we thought worthy of passing along.
Some weeks, it was easy! Some weeks, it was daunting. And after keeping it up for years…it kinda faded out.
Jump to now…and I think its time to dust this off and give it another go! There is a TON of content being made today from so many different artists on so many different platforms that the only daunting thing now will be deciding which ones we feel are worth passing along!
So, enjoy this reboot, and let’s see where TUR2.1 takes us!