Good to see who’s watching! After last weeks reboot, I saw Luis Cojal’s video pop up in lots of places online. If you missed it, go back an issue and take a listen. It may not “be your thing” but you have to respect how well done and original it is.
The culture today is to document the journey from the first steps in the hopes that a viral video either propels a career, or gives the positive reinforcement that hours of practice are paying off. So many young players are being incredibly brave and posting performances videos, it could easily be a whole sub-report, and we know first-hand how brave you have to be in today’s online culture to post videos.
We all love the “likes”, but the dislikes can sting. The positive messages can be inspiring, and the negative trolling can make you wonder why you even bother.
Support the community, and if you see a young bassist being brave enough to put a video up, give encouragement before critique.
To quote Gary, “tell them what they are, not what they are not”.